Degree Information with New Senior Design Project Courses


Computer engineering is a discipline that embodies the science and technology of design, construction, implementation, and maintenance of software and hardware components of modern computing systems, computer-controlled equipment, and networks of intelligent devices. Increasingly, computer engineers are involved in the design of computer-based systems to address highly specialized and specific application needs. Computer engineers work in most industries, including the computer, automobile, aerospace, telecommunications, power production, manufacturing, defense, and electronics industries. They design high-tech devices ranging from tiny microelectronic integrated-circuit chips to powerful systems that utilize those chips and efficient telecommunication systems that interconnect those systems. It also includes distributed computing environments (local and wide area networks, wireless networks, internets, intranets), and embedded computer systems (such as aircraft, spacecraft, and automobile control systems in which computers are embedded to perform various functions).

Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the following objectives:

  1. Diversifying the Economy & Developing New Sectors: "We are determined to reinforce and diversify the capabilities of our economy, turning our key strengths into enabling tools for a fully diversified future." Vision 2030, p. 7.
  2. Leading the Digital Transformation: "We will increase our investments in, and lead, the digital economy." Vision 2030, p. 44.
  3. Increase SME Contributions to the GDP: "We will strive to create suitable job opportunities for our citizens by supporting SME entrepreneurship, privatization, and investments in new industries." Vision 2030, p. 36.
  4. Education for Employment: "We will close the gap between the outputs of higher education and the requirements of the job market."  Vision 2030, p. 40.
  5. Vibrant Society & Merit-Based Values: "The values of moderation, tolerance, excellence, discipline, equity, and transparency will be the bedrock of our success."  Vision 2030 p. 16.

 The computer engineering department is contributing to achieving the objectives of Vision 2030 by having programs that prepare graduates for the requirements of the job market, graduates who can lead digital transformation, and create businesses to contribute to the economy of Saudi Arabia.


Program Educational Objectives

In accordance with the missions of the University, the CCSE, and the COE department, the following program educational objectives were adopted for the computer engineering program:

The objectives of the computer engineering (COE) program are to produce graduates who, a few years after graduation, will have:

  1. Establish a successful professional career in computer engineering or related fields.
  2. Lead or actively participate in initiatives that utilize emerging technologies and leverage business opportunities in line with the Kingdom's Vision.
  3. Pursue their professional development through self-learning, graduate studies, or professional certification.

These PEOs were developed and are regularly reviewed by all the program constituents (COE faculty, employers of COE alumni, and the department's Industrial Advisory Board). The latest review was two years ago when the COE department council unanimously agreed to keep these PEOs as is.

 Student Learning Outcomes

In the current review of the Computer Engineering curriculum, the following are the seven student outcomes of the Computer Engineering program. Mapping to the old student outcomes is also appended in parentheses:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. 


Requirements for the B.S. Degree in Computer Engineering

Option I: With Summer Training


Every student majoring in Computer Engineering (Summer Training Option) must complete the following curriculum:

Freshman Year         
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
MATH 101Calculus I404 MATH 102Calculus II404
PHYS 101General Physics I334 PHYS 102General Physics II334
CHEM 101Principles of Chemical Science I334 ENGL 102Intro. to Report Writing303
ENGL 101Intro. to Academic Discourse303 ICS 108Object Oriented Programing334
ICS 104Intro. to Program. In Python & C233 IAS 111Belief & its Consequences202
      PE 101Health and Physical Education I021
 Total15918  Total15818
Sophomore Year         
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
ISE 291Intro. to Data Science303 COE 292Intro. to Artificial Intelligence303
COE 202Digital Logic Design303 COE 301Computer Organization334
COE 203Digital Logic Design Lab031 COE 241Data & Comp. Communications303
ICS 202Data Structure & Algo.334 STAT 319Prob. & Stat. for Eng. & Scientists 233
MATH 201Calculus III303 ICS 253Discrete Structures303
IAS 121Language Foundation202      
 Total14616  Total14616
Junior Year          
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
COE 302Design & Modeling of Dig. Sys.303 COE 306Introduction to Embedded Sys.334
COE 344Computer Networks334 COE 346Computer & Network Security303
MATH 208Intro. to Diff. Eq. & Linear Algebra303 COE 384Fundam. of Computer Eng. Design334
EE 236Electronic Circuits303 BUS 200Business & Entrepreneurship303
EE 237Electronic Circuits Lab031 CGS 392Career Essentials021
ENGL 214Academic & Professional Comm. 303      
 Total15617  Total12815
Summer Session     COE 399Summer Training001
Senior Year          
COE 411Senior Design Project I010 COE 412Senior Design Project II063
ICS 433Operating Systems313 COE4xxMajor Elective III303
COE 4xxMajor Elective I303 COE 4xxMajor Elective IV303
COE 4xxMajor Elective II303 IAS xxxIslamic/Arabic Elective202
XXX xxxFree Elective303 GS xxxGS Elective303
IAS 212Ethics and Governance202      
       Total Credit Hours  129



Option II: With an Internship

Every student majoring in Computer Engineering (Internship Option) must complete the following curriculum:

Freshman Year         
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
MATH 101Calculus I404 MATH 102Calculus II404
PHYS 101General Physics I334 PHYS 102General Physics II334
CHEM 101Principles of Chemical Science I334 ENGL 102Intro. to Report Writing303
ENGL 101Intro. to Academic Discourse303 ICS 108Object Oriented Programing334
ICS 104Intro. to Programm. In Python & C233 IAS 111Belief & its Consequences202
      PE 101Health and Physical Education I021
 Total15918  Total15818
Sophomore Year         
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
ISE 291Intro. to Data Science303 COE 292Intro. to Artificial Intelligence303
COE 202Digital Logic Design303 COE 301Computer Organization334
COE 203Digital Logic Design Lab031 COE 241Data & Comp. Communications303
ICS 202Data Structure & Algo.334 STAT 319Prob. & Stat. for Eng. & Scientists 233
MATH 201Calculus III303 ICS 253Discrete Structures303
IAS 121Language Foundation202 IAS 212Ethics and Governance202
 Total14616  Total16618
Junior Year          
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
COE 302Design & Modeling of Dig. Sys.303 COE 306Introduction to Embedded Sys.334
COE 344Computer Networks334 COE 346Computer & Netwrork Security303
MATH 208Intro. to Diff. Eq. & Linear Algebra303 COE 384Fundam. of Computer Eng. Design334
EE 236Electronic Circuits303 COE 4xxMajor Elective I303
EE 237Electronic Circuits Lab031 BUS 200Business & Entrepreneurship303
ENGL 214Academic & Professional Comm. 303 CGS 392Career Essentials021
 Total15617  Total15818
Senior Year          
CourseTitleLTLBCr CourseTitleLTLBCr
COE 398Internship006 COE 412Senior Design Project II063
COE 411Senior Design Project I010 COE 4xxMajor Elective II303
      COE 4xxMajor Elective III303
      ICS 433Operating Systems313
      IAS xxxIslamic/Arabic Elective202
      GS xxxGS Elective303
 Total016  Total14717
       Total Credit Hours  128



Degree Plan Internship with New SDP Courses

Degree Plan Summer Training with New SDP Courses